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.357 Low-Bore Revolver

This weapon is a low-bore axis revolver inspired by the Mateba 2006M and the Chiappa Rhino.

Parts Used

I started with the base game .44 Magnum Revolver mesh and added the pistol grip from the 12.7mm Pistol, the cylinder from That Gun, the iron sights from the Silenced .22 Pistol, and the Hunting Revolver Match Barrel from the Gun Runners' Arsenal DLC.

Perks and Challenges

The following properties, perks and challenges apply to this weapon:

.357 Low-Bore Revolver
Strength 4 Skill Guns 35
Ammo Type .357 Magnum
Capacity 5
Ammo Use Per Shot 1 Regen Rate N/A
Attack Stats
Base Damage 30 DPS 56
Damage Per Projectile 30 # of Projectiles 1
Crit Damage 35 Crit % Multiplier x2.5
AP 25 Min. Spread 0.5
Limb Damage Multiplier 1 Rate of Fire 1
Other Stats
Weight 3 Value 2500
Item HP 250 Sight FOV 65
Repair Magnum Revolvers
FormID ##F0004D
Weapon Mods
Reflex Sight Decrease Spread 0.15
10mm SMG Recoil Comp Decrease Spread 0.3
Animation Type OneHandPistol
Attack Animation AttackLeft
Reload Animation ReloadE
Noise Level Loud
weapons/pistol/lowborerevolver.txt · Last modified: 2024/01/01 14:46 by mc_tammer

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