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Quad-Stack Submachine Gun

This weapon is inspired by the SITES Spectre M4, an Italian-made submachine gun from the 1980s that has been used in various movies and videogames due to its distinctive, futuristic styling (by 1980s standards, anyway) and unique “casket” magazine that holds cartridges in two double-stacked columns. Kids in the 1990s will probably recognize it as the “Phantom” from the 1997 videogame GoldenEye 007 for the Nintendo 64.

Parts Used

I started with the base game 12.7mm Submachine Gun mesh and deleted everything except for the muzzle and barrel vents. I then added pieces from the Bozar to make up the body, attached the magazine well from the Assault Carbine, the safety lever from the 10mm Pistol, the grip from the C4 Detonator, the trigger guard and magazine release from the legacy-content Assault Rifle from Fallout 3, the rear sight protector from the Light Machine Gun, and the magazine from the .45 Auto Submachine Gun.

Perks and Challenges

The following properties, perks and challenges apply to this weapon:

Quad-Stack Submachine Gun
Strength 3 Skill Guns 50
Ammo Type 9mm
Capacity 30
Ammo Use Per Shot 1 Regen Rate N/A
Attack Stats
Base Damage 15 DPS 180
Damage Per Projectile 15 # of Projectiles 1
Crit Damage 15 Crit % Multiplier x1
AP 22 Min. Spread 1.5
Limb Damage Multiplier 1 Rate of Fire 12
Other Stats
Weight 6 Value 1500
Item HP 500 Sight FOV 65
Repair 9mm Submachine Guns
FormID ##F000B4
Weapon Mods
10mm SMG Extended Mags Increase Mag Capacity 20
10mm Pistol Silencer Silence N/A
Animation Type OneHandPistol
Attack Animation AttackLoop
Reload Animation ReloadG
Noise Level Loud
weapons/smg/quadstacksmg.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/10 12:56 by mc_tammer

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