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The Keyholer

This weapon is a Payload Rifle, cut down for CQB purposes. An utterly impractical weapon, its name derives from the fact that, with such a short barrel and long cartridge, the bullet will not have enough spin to stabilize in flight and will tumble end over end, impacting the target sideways (known as “keyholing”).

Parts Used

I started with the base game Marksman Carbine mesh and removed everything except the grip, magazine well, and railed handguard. I then added the trigger guard from the legacy-content Assault Rifle, the charging handle and buttstock from the Bozar, the muzzle from the 12.7mm Submachine Gun, the magazine from the Anti-Materiel Rifle, and the magazine release from the legacy-content Chinese Assault Rifle.

Perks and Challenges

The following properties, perks and challenges apply to this weapon:


This weapon must be custom built to order by Vlad, and cannot otherwise be obtained without console commands.

The Keyholer
Effects +2 Fire Damage for 2 seconds (If within 6 feet)
Destroy target limb on crit
Strength 6 Skill Guns 100
Ammo Type .50 MG
Capacity 10
Ammo Use Per Shot 1 Regen Rate N/A
Attack Stats
Base Damage 100 DPS 187
Damage Per Projectile 100 # of Projectiles 1
Crit Damage 100 Crit % Multiplier x1
AP 35 Min. Spread 0.75
Limb Damage Multiplier 2 Rate of Fire 1
Other Stats
Weight 15 Value 6000
Item HP 100 Sight FOV 45
Repair Heavy Rifles
FormID ##FE0060
Weapon Mods
Animation Type TwoHandAutomatic
Attack Animation Attack4
Reload Animation ReloadI
Noise Level Loud
weapons/rifle/unique/keyholer.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/07 18:57 by mc_tammer

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