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Cut-Down Hunting Rifle


Commonly found in the hands of criminals, revolutionaries and other irregular forces during the Russian Revolution, the cut-down Mosin-Nagant rifle known as the Obrez (Rus. “cutted”) was usually a crude homemade weapon designed for easy concealment.

Parts Used

I started with the base game Hunting Rifle mesh and removed the stock and sights. I then shortened the handguard and barrel.

Perks and Challenges

The following properties, perks and challenges apply to this weapon:


This weapon can be crafted at any workbench.

Cut-Down Hunting Rifle
Materials Hunting Rifle
Skill Requirements Repair 35
Cut-Down Hunting Rifle
Strength 5 Skill Guns 50
Ammo Type .308
Capacity 5
Ammo Use Per Shot 1 Regen Rate N/A
Attack Stats
Base Damage 45 DPS 42
Damage Per Projectile 45 # of Projectiles 1
Crit Damage 45 Crit % Multiplier x2
AP 40 Min. Spread 0.1
Limb Damage Multiplier 1 Rate of Fire 1
Other Stats
Weight 4 Value 2500
Item HP 300 Sight FOV 38
Repair Hunting Rifles
FormID ##F0002F
Weapon Mods
Upcoming Hunting Rifle Custom Action Increase Rate of Fire 0.333
Upcoming Hunting Rifle Extended Mag Increase Mag Capacity 5
Animation Type TwoHandRifle
Attack Animation Attack3
Reload Animation ReloadA
Noise Level Loud
weapons/rifle/cutdownhuntingrifle.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/18 06:33 by mc_tammer

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