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High-Capacity 5mm Pistol

This weapon is inspired by the Kel-Tec P50, a handgun that feeds from P90 magazines, giving it a capacity of up to 50 rounds.

Parts Used

I started with the base game Marksman Carbine and rearranged the pieces, before adding the barrel from the Varmint Rifle and the magazine from the 12.7mm Submachine Gun.

Perks and Challenges

The following properties, perks and challenges apply to this weapon:

Usage Notes

This weapon is considered high-maintenance, which means that every time it fires, there is a random chance (\(\frac{25}{Luck}\) %) that the weapon's condition will degrade by a random percentage.

\[DecayPercentage = \frac{1 + GetRandomPercent} {20}\]

High-Capacity 5mm Pistol
Effects High Maintenance
Strength 3 Skill Guns 50
Ammo Type 5mm
Capacity 50
Ammo Use Per Shot 1 Regen Rate N/A
Attack Stats
Base Damage 13 DPS 40
Damage Per Projectile 13 # of Projectiles 1
Crit Damage 13 Crit % Multiplier x2
AP 37 Min. Spread 0.75
Limb Damage Multiplier 1 Rate of Fire 1
Other Stats
Weight 3 Value 2000
Item HP 500 Sight FOV 70
Repair Top-Feed 5mm Rifles
FormID ##F000AE
Weapon Mods
Reflex Sight Decrease Spread 0.35
12.7mm SMG Silencer Silence N/A
Animation Type OneHandPistol
Attack Animation AttackRight
Reload Animation ReloadD
Noise Level Normal
weapons/pistol/hicap5mmpistol.txt · Last modified: 2024/11/05 15:27 by mc_tammer

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