An elegant weapon for a more civilized age? Perhaps. While not a true energy sword, this weapon features a physical metal blade that has been energized by a forcefield to protect it and offer an infinitely-fine cutting edge.
I started with the base game Thermic Lance mesh and replaced the grip with the texture from the legacy-content Opthalmoscope before adding the blade of the Katana from the Gun Runners' Arsenal DLC. I then added the animated glowing blue effect of the Proton Axe from the Old World Blues DLC.
The following properties, perks and challenges apply to this weapon:
This weapon must be purchased from Dr. Quarton, and cannot otherwise be obtained without console commands.
The terminal entry in Dr. Quarton's laboratory notes the following:
Project # M-594-G - "Photonic Saber" Somebody had discarded a perfectly-good sword blade behind Mick & Ralph's. I retrieved it, but my testing revealed that it was made of simple, untempered mild steel -- nowhere near tough enough to survive being swung. Clearly, it was intended to be some sort of souvenir replica designed to be hung on a wall. But I didn't let that stop me! I began experimenting with ways to strengthen the blade. One thing led to another, and the solution I found was to sheathe the blade in a photonic resonance barrier. I suppose technically, this makes the blade once again purely decorative, but there is appeal in the poetic symmetry of the situation.