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Ainsley Harrington Fletcher (b. Unknown) is a veteran mercenary and cyborg.


Brash and arrogant, Fletcher often comes across as abrasive but his boastful swagger is not entirely undeserved. He's middle-aged (no small feat in a post-apocalyptic wasteland), and is in a very dangerous line of work, so to have made it as far as he has for so long speaks to his considerable level of skill. He tends to look down on everyone else, or seems to think they're all trying really hard to impress him and are coming up short.


Fletcher's origin is shrouded in mystery, although he speaks with a working-class Cockney accent and mentions having been upgraded with cyborg parts “back East” by a high-tech organization.


Apparel Weapons Other Items On Death
Marauder Armor (Custom) Light Machine Gun
Frag Grenade (x2)
Stimpak (x2) Neuro-Servo

Unique Characteristics

Fletcher differs from other standard Framework companions by requiring caps to recruit (1000 caps up front, and 100 caps per day afterwards). Also, he will take for himself any caps that he finds as part of the high-Luck perk (but those can be retrieved from his inventory).


Fletcher can be found in the Atomic Wrangler casino in Freeside.

Fletcher “I'm a fuckin' hammer, mate. You want to
make a bloody mess? I'm your man.”
Download Latest Version Version 1.3.3
First Appearance October 23, 2019
Voiced By robochrish
Race Human, African American (Old)
Gender Male
Occupation Mercenary
Affiliation Himself
Physical Traits
Hair Color Dark Gray (R30, G25, B25)
Eye Color Dark Brown
Hairstyle HairAfricanAmericanBase
Head Add-Ons BeardCircle
Base SPECIAL 7 ST, 4 PE, 7 EN, 3 CH, 5 IN, 4 AG, 5 LK
Tag Skills Guns, Explosives, Melee Weapons
Alignment Neutral
Mood Cocky
Aggression Aggressive
Confidence Foolhardy
Editor ID aaaNPCCustomizableCompanion
Base ID ##A00000
Ref ID ##C00001
companions/veteran/fletcher.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/21 12:20 by mc_tammer

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