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Jessica Allison Finney (b. 2257) is the chief maintenance technician for Vault 21.


Intelligent and excitable, with a sarcastic streak, Jessica is a tomboyish grease-monkey. She can repair just about anything and also has a sideline in hacking and lockpicking. Generally cheerful and optimistic, Jessica is eager to leave the Vault and see the world.


Jessica was born in Vault 21 and has lived there her entire life. Although she often dreams of getting out there to experience the Wasteland, she knows her sheltered upbringing would be a liability topside. Also, being one of the few people qualified to repair and maintain the Vault means that she's sorely needed to keep the place up and running.



Jessica can be found in Vault 21.

Jessica “I'm just the one holding this place together.”
Download Latest Version Version 1.4.3
First Appearance September 18, 2019
Voiced By Julianne Meaney
Race Human, Caucasian
Gender Female
Occupation Maintenance Technician
Affiliation Vault 21
Physical Traits
Hair Color Auburn (R100, G60, B45)
Eye Color Blue
Hairstyle FemaleA
Head Add-Ons EyebrowF
Base SPECIAL 4 ST, 6 PE, 4 EN, 5 CH, 6 IN, 5 AG, 5 LK
Tag Skills Repair, Lockpick, Science
Alignment Good
Mood Pleasant
Aggression Unaggressive
Confidence Brave
Editor ID aaaNPCCustomizableCompanion
Base ID ##A00000
Ref ID ##C00001
companions/novice/jessica.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/21 12:20 by mc_tammer

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