Added ability to disable leveling system using a global variable
Version 1.8.3
Removed a JIP NVSE function from the Control Quest script (“GetGameDaysPassed” should have been simply “GameDaysPassed”)
Version 1.8.2
Added plugins to allow for creation of creature companions
Version 1.8.1
[TTW Plugin] Added a condition forcing the companion to wait if the player is in Tranquility Lane
Version 1.8
Added a condition to move the companion to the Player if they're left waiting in the Lucky 38 when the endgame starts
Version 1.7
Changed flags on the Follow packages to allow for idle chatter (Thanks, alienxing!)
Dismissing the companion will now have them fade out as they leave
Version 1.6
Refined the kill counter system to be HP-based and track targets engaged without using a token, which was causing issues with the earlier implementation
Version 1.5
Replaced kill counter system with HP percentage-based system for earning combat XP (Hopefully fixes the 'enemies stop attacking and just stand there' issue)
Version 1.4
Added contingency to confiscate Companion's weapons when entering a Strip casino
Injected Companion's weapons into appropriate form lists (i.e. ExplodesGasTrapsOnHit, WeaponsRangedALL, WeaponsMeleeALL, etc.)
Added contingency to prevent Companion from following the Player into the Lucky 38 Penthouse
Version 1.3
Consolidated introductory questions into a separate subtopic
Added new dialogue option to view all stats at once instead of individually
Changed Stats dialogue to show pop-up after line has been spoken
Re-ordered some dialogue FormIDs to be more organized
Version 1.2
Changed kill counter system to be quest-script based instead of area-of-effect spell-based
Asking about experience now displays the number of game days spent traveling with the Player
Companion will now self-heal during combat, using Stimpaks in inventory
Added “Goodbye” flag to Wait topic
Version 1.1
Added contingency for rolling over extra XP on level up
Changed 'XP needed for next level up' formula
Added kill counter stat that affects amount of combat XP earned
Version 1.0
Initial release
companions/framework/changelog.txt · Last modified: 2023/07/12 13:09 by mc_tammer